A vending machine
Target premium spaces
Client prospection is a considerable challenge in the vending industry. This is why we created a vending vehicle which can be easily place in many different environments. Its refine and modern design will ease client’s approval and open new locations like insurance, lawyering or even accounting offices.
Simplify trial periods
Easy prospection and adoption. Place your machine on the same day.
The vending vehicle with which consumer will want to purchase.
This “table top” vending machine was designed to offer the best of emerging technologies. The sleek and compact shape offers great flexibility without jeopardizing profitability. It can contain up to 126 products, splitted in up to 3 different selections. Operations and administration doesn’t get any smoother than with an Area machine.
Generate more sales with contactless payments
Contactless payments greatly facilitate quick sales. Transaction occuring on vending machines are often impulsive. It is only natural to accomodate this trend with a modern and quick payment method.
Funds are transfered to your bank account within 2 working days
Machines connected to an intuitive interface
Area Core administration platform is a powerful tool to effeciently manage your investments. Know the status of your fleet with a few clicks. Keep track of traffic and sales. Manage the machines remotely with easy price changes, products presentation changes and much more.
Compact vehicle, high capacity, 3 selections
The machine’s capacity bay can hold up to 126 products. This high capacity can be splitted in 3 different selections. The Area is actually the smallest footprint vending machine on the market using 90% of its internal volume for products stockage.
Ultra HD touchscreen and customizable
Customize the interface with your client’s logo. Blend the machine in its environment.
Also display your own business’ logo.
Right next to the coffee machine
The Area is the perfect vending vehicle to complete the coffee break offering. Provide your client with an access to healthy and delicious snacks enhancing concentration and commodity. Our snacks are arranged to perfectly harmonize with the morning coffee or the afternoon tea.
Combine and up your sales.
The Area machine allows to expand your services to complete your offer to businesses.
Want to sell your products in our vehicle ?
We are always on the lookout for new products.
All our snack blends are the perfect fit for coffee and teas.
Deserved accomplishments.
Bourse d’honneur Gouv. du QC
Government initiative aiming at supporting innovative businesses.